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Capital Gains Tax Calculator







(*Remember to click reset button for every new calculation)
Original Purchase Date: [e.g 01/11/2010]
Insert purchase price you have sold your property for:
Insert the value of the documentary valuation you obtained as at 1 Oct 2001:
Expenditure on the property incurred before 1 Oct 2001
(*must be able to prove the value to SARS):
Sale price you achieved:
Number of years you owned the property before 1 October 2001:
Number of years you owned the property after 1 October 2001:
Less the transfer costs you paid when you purchased:
Less the bond costs you paid when you purchased:
Less the Agents Commission you will pay upon the sale:
Less bond cancellation costs and certificates of compliance
(i.e electrical, beetle, plumbing, gas and electrical fence):
20% of your (sale price less expenditure incurred on or after valuation date) will be deemed to be your base costs:

Is the property now being sold owned by:

Is the property your primary residence? (your home)
Have you ulitised your ANNUAL CAPITAL GAINS EXCLUSION of R40 000
How Many Natural Persons Own the Property:

Select your income tax bracket:

Capital Gains Taxable PROFIT:

This calculator relies on user input and Faurie Nell Incorporated cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions in this regard. This calculator is intended to provide a general guide on the capital gains tax applicable to the sale of your immovable property only and is not intended as advice in respect of your total annual tax return and total annual capital gains tax liability which annual return will include information beyond the knowledge of Faurie Nell Incorporated. In the final instance please seek advice from a tax specialist advisor.



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