If the company or close corporation was deregistered, can the company or close corporation still be re-instated?
Yes but only if proofed that the entity was holding property or was active at the time of deregistration.
Once a company or close corporation has been “final deregistered”, the company or close corporation or any other person may apply for re-instatement upon filing of a form CoR40.5 and supporting documents.
Upon the processing of the re-instatement application, the status will be changed to ”re-instatement process”
What is the fee for a re-instatement application (Form CoR40.5)
What is the requirement for re-instating (restoring) a company or close corporation if it was deregistered due to noncompliance with annual return?
The same requirement as per a normal deregistration is applicable. (Practice Note 6 of 2012)
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